The works of the Holy Spirit varies, no one knows it all. But it's so exciting when one finds out about them.
I was part of the Faith Clinic team that travelled with Dr. I. K. U. Ibeneme to minister at a campmeeting, December 1985. It was a deliverance session with the church on the outskirt of Lagos State.
Our method of ministry was to ask individuals what problem they have, and we minister accordingly.
After I had prayed with several people, it came to the turn of a brother. I went thru the normal process of our ministration and he stuttered and said, 'I am a stammerer'. I was flabbergasted because at that moment I didn't know what to do. But I just said, 'In Jesus' name, I plead the blood. Be healed!' and I took off to another place. During the testimony time, the brother said in very clear words, 'You know me. . . ' and the place became wild with excitement and shouts of 'Hallelujah!' rended the air! He was healed. Glory be to God!
People get healed by the laying on of hands and also without it, but all in the name of Jesus!
I have seen many people healed as a result of what I have learnt. I learnt my lessons from the Bible, and from the writings of men and women of God who have been so used. God bless.