It has being a glorious adventure travelling to different places and churches teaching and ministering about the Holy Spirit to many people with a lot lives transformed. Even in many of the meetings people got healed, filled with the Holy Spirit and began to flow in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. There's even another program that I hold with mainly believers in their churches called The Holy Ghost Invasion where they got empowered with the anointing for signs and wonders for evangelism. In this meeting, many also discover the actual call of God upon their lives. As soon as my website is ready you will be able to access some of the testimonies in full about the various kinds of meetings I hold about the Holy Spirit. Truly, the Holy Spirit is here on earth, and WORKING MIGHTILY! I am a guest lecturer on the subject of the Holy Spirit at several Bible Schools and colleges of ministry where the students got equipped by God to minister in power. I am not a pastor over any congregation. I am an intinery apostolic teacher with a global mandate on my life honoring invitations to every church that wants my kind of ministry. I do worship, with my family, as a member of Christ Chapel International Churches, Pastored by Revd Elekima Ekine. The church was founded by Revd (Dr.) Chris Tunde Joda who has given full recognition to my ministry. By my next posting I will begin to share some of my thoughts about the Holy Spirit. Till then, God bless.
Revd 'Remi Tejumola
Phone +234-803-344-9182