By Rev’d ‘Remi Tejumola
The Holy Spirit is a lot more than what many people thought He is. He is a person. Jesus used a personal pronoun “He” to refer to Him. He is a person with a form and a shape like that of the Father and the Son. Each of them in appearance resembles a man in the spirit realm because God made man to look like Himself (Genesis 1:26-27). It is only Jesus Christ among the Three that has a physical and glorified body. Jesus, talking about the Father, said, “God is a spirit” (John 4:24).
The Bible most of the time uses symbols to describe to us the functions and the characteristics of the Holy Spirit such as: a dove; a wind; a fire, an oil, a cloud; water or river. The Jehovah witnesses, not knowing that the Holy Spirit is a person, called Him “an active force” (an impersonal force) controlled by God.
The way Jesus spoke about the Holy Spirit shows us that He is of equal importance to Himself. Jesus called Him “another Comforter” who will guide us; teach us; bring things back into our remembrance (or memory); show us things to come; give us power to forgive sins and to witness for Him; and who will tell us whatever Jesus is saying to us (see John 14:16-17, 26; 15:26; 16:7-15; 20: 21 - 23).
When Jesus called Him “another Comforter”, He meant that the Holy Spirit is one exactly like Him. He would act as Jesus would have – having the same values (many people believe that Jesus returned into the world in the form of the Holy Spirit, but this is not so).
In Matthew 28:19, Jesus shows us the equality of the Holy Spirit with both the Father and Himself when He said baptism should be done for those who believe the Gospel “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” [to be continued]
By Rev’d ‘Remi Tejumola
The Holy Spirit is a lot more than what many people thought He is. He is a person. Jesus used a personal pronoun “He” to refer to Him. He is a person with a form and a shape like that of the Father and the Son. Each of them in appearance resembles a man in the spirit realm because God made man to look like Himself (Genesis 1:26-27). It is only Jesus Christ among the Three that has a physical and glorified body. Jesus, talking about the Father, said, “God is a spirit” (John 4:24).
The Bible most of the time uses symbols to describe to us the functions and the characteristics of the Holy Spirit such as: a dove; a wind; a fire, an oil, a cloud; water or river. The Jehovah witnesses, not knowing that the Holy Spirit is a person, called Him “an active force” (an impersonal force) controlled by God.
The way Jesus spoke about the Holy Spirit shows us that He is of equal importance to Himself. Jesus called Him “another Comforter” who will guide us; teach us; bring things back into our remembrance (or memory); show us things to come; give us power to forgive sins and to witness for Him; and who will tell us whatever Jesus is saying to us (see John 14:16-17, 26; 15:26; 16:7-15; 20: 21 - 23).
When Jesus called Him “another Comforter”, He meant that the Holy Spirit is one exactly like Him. He would act as Jesus would have – having the same values (many people believe that Jesus returned into the world in the form of the Holy Spirit, but this is not so).
In Matthew 28:19, Jesus shows us the equality of the Holy Spirit with both the Father and Himself when He said baptism should be done for those who believe the Gospel “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” [to be continued]
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