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Positioning For Divine Touch


One of the greatest lessons any human-being or Christian must learn is that God doesn’t make mistakes, neither does He respect persons as some people believe. What I’m in fact saying is that things don’t just happen to people by chance or luck. (Think about this for awhile).
If you’ve been observant at church services or miracle services where God worked wonderful things in the life of people, you would have wondered why some people seem to miss out of what God is doing. In this message today, I want to address this very issue. So, I implore you to please take a close look at this message. It may change your life for good. Anyway, it’s supposed to.
A minister of the Gospel of 66 years standing in ministry, said, “One of the best ways to know what something is, is to find out what it is not.” I want to make use of these wise words to say this: I do not know why some things don’t happen for some people, so I’ll look for the reason why God will move for people.

My prayer is that any of these discoveries will really help a lot of people to be positioned for the things they want God to do for them in their lives in the name of Jesus. Amen.

I am a witness to the wonderful manifestations of the power of God in this generation. I have enjoyed and still enjoy the privilege of having the power of God manifest in my life and ministry. I have seen many lives changed as the Holy Ghost comes upon people in my meetings as well as in the meetings of other ministers of the Gospel, both old and young ones like me, and even younger ones. God is the One doing these wonderful works. So, I am not here just trying to have something to say. I want to help you, by the grace of God, to get to your destination.
Your destination may be to get your prayers answered, get healed or delivered, filled with Holy Ghost or to receive a fresh anointing on your ministry or just to get anything from God.

The things I want to share with you are from the Word of God. This is where you find answers to all of life’s questions - in the Word of God.
God loves every one of us equally. He doesn’t love one more than the other. He loves us all the same way. He loves you. However there are certain things God looks out for in the lives of those who seek Him. You know what? God is not a fool. He doesn’t just do things. But there are certain things that you can do that will attract Him to come to you.

ISAIAH 66:1-2
1 Thus saith the Lord, the heaven is my throne, and the
Earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build
unto me? And where is the place of my rest?
2 For all those things hath mine hands made, and
all those things have been, saith the Lord: but TO THIS
MAN will I look even TO HIM that is poor and of a
contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.

The things God looks for in those whom He reckons with can be found in truly good people. In actual fact those things makes the people good in the true sense of goodness. Let me say this to you: “You’re not good because of the things you don't do or because you don’t tell lies or because you pray everyday.“ Just as there are different kinds of wisdom (godly wisdom, earthly wisdom and demonic wisdom) there are also different kinds of goodness.

You see, God watches every man and woman, boy and girl. He looks right into our hearts, and decides what He will do by whatever He finds there - in the heart. He gives to every man according to the fruit of his doings (Jeremiah 17:10).

There are three important things that God looks for in man according to Isaiah 66:12, (1) poor (not financially), (2) a contrite heart, and (3) one who trembles at the Word of God. Right now I want you to look at how the Amplified bible brings out these three things out in a clear fashion.

ISAIAH 66: 2 (Amplified )
2 But THIS IS THE MAN to whom I WILL look and have
REGARD: He who is HUMBLE and of a broken OR WO-
UNDED spirit, and TREMBLES at my WORD and

I think you like that. Now let’s look at the three things with both the king James and AMPLIFIED BIBLES combined.

1. The Poor (Humble): This person is one who does not think too much of himself. He is not arrogant and heady. In fact he has a low opinion of himself regardless of what he has or doesn’t have. In fact, whatever things he has accomplished in life, he believes and says, “It is by the grace of God." He doesn’t parade himself about with pride. He may be very rich, but he doesn’t because of his riches think he his above all others who are not as rich. He can talk with anyone like equals. He will not discriminate between people. He will not use others as his measuring rod to determine how much he’s getting by. But he knows that without God he is nothing. You know we are who we are by the grace of God.
God spoke through the prophet Jeremiah, “Thus saith the Lord, let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory (become arrogant) in his might, let not the rich man glory (take pride) in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory (take pride) in this, that he knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord “(Jeremiah 9:23,24).
It takes humility to forget whom you are and begin to boast about knowing God. It also takes humility to accept the fact that others know God too, not you alone. The Bible says, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble “(1 Peter 5:5; James 4:6).
If you are full of pride, God will not only disregard you, He will also resist you. He will not do anything with you or for you. The Holy Ghost will pass by you. The Angels of God will not even come near you. Worse, demons will fasten themselves to you. The devil loves proud people. God hates proud people. He despises them greatly.
I have learnt to a great extent the importance of humbling oneself. I noticed that whenever I’m able to really humble myself before God as I prepare for ministry engagement, I found Him able to use me for His glory. And the more I’m able to do it, the more of His power I see manifesting.
Pride is dangerous. It can cost you your life.
Pride will not let you accept your fault and repent of your wrong in the sight of men. Pride can cost you a great future. Pride can take you to the grave easily. Paul said, “For who maketh thee to differ from another? And what hast thou that thou didn’t not receive? Now if thou didst receive it, why doest thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it? “(I Corinthians 4:7). Proud people don’t like accepting correction or being corrected.

2. THE ONE WITH A CONTRITE AND BROKEN HEART: This is a person who feels bad when he has done wrong; not when he is discovered. But that he knows he has done wrong and it not happy about it. He feels great remorse for the wrong he has done. To start with, he doesn’t want to do wrong. He loves to do right with everyone no matter the situation. He will not attempt to cover his sin. Now, he doesn’t stop there, but goes ahead and repents before God and before men as it is expected of him. He is one who wants to make things right with God and with man.
The sin that the King of Israel, Saul, committed was not as much as the one committed by his successor David. But David repented before God of his sin, and King Saul didn’t. You see, sin is sin before God. Saul lost his position and his family to the sin he did not repent from.
You sometimes wonder if some people are saved the way they behave. What have they taken God to be?
A young lady who was afflicted with a deadly disease went before a man of God for healing. Inspired by the Holy Ghost, the man said, ”Fools because of their transgressions, and because of their iniquities, are afflicted.’ “Acknowledge you’re that fool and God will heal you” (Psalm 107:17). She did, and was healed.
God knows you. He knows your life. He knows everything about you: your past, your present, and your tomorrow. No kidding.

There are some foolish people who are waiting to hear God speak with a thunderous voice before they will reverence Him. But the Word of God in the Bible and the one He speaks from heaven comes from the same person, your Maker.

Look here, you’re dealing with God - number one. There is no one greater than Him. You don’t trifle with God. You don’t play pranks with God. He is not a man. So when He says any things, He is not mincing words or playing. He means exactly what He says.
On the way to the promise land, from the land of bondage, Egypt, the Israelites that sinned did not reach there because God judged them. Why? They did not take God seriously. They thought they were just dealing with Moses and Joshua. But God called Moses and Joshua, and He was leading them through these two people.
God had instructed and ordained that Levites are to take care of the Ark of the Covenant. A non-Levite touched it and God slew him.
God had commanded that only the high priest should offer sacrifices in the holy of holies, a king thought that because of his position he could do whatever he feels like doing. God struck him with leprosy on the spot, he died a leprous man.
When God said there would be flood, it came. When He commanded light to appear, it did. When Jesus told the blind man to go and wash the mud of his eyes at the pool called Siloam, he saw. When he told Peter to let down his nets for a drought of fish, he did, and he enclosed a multitude of fishes.
Your attitude towards God should be that if He says it, that settles it. Whatever he says He meant. Whatever He promised He does. And whatever He forbids should be taken that way.
If you have great respect for His Word, you will read it, study it, and live your life by it all the days of your life.
So, who are those God reckons with?
1. The poor and humble;
2. The one with a broken and a contrite heart;
3. The one who trembles at the Word of God, and reveres it.

Phone: +234-803-344-9182


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