By Revd 'Remi Tejumola
Dear friend, it's with great pleasure that I come to you today. I came with a message that I believe will revolutionize your life and those of others, especially if you will pay close attention to it. I am very convinced that you are one of those people who have learnt that as an individual Christian you should learn how to pray, have a prayer life, and in fact you remember that Jesus taught a parable to the intent that men should always pray and not FAINT (Luke 18: 1). Also, the Apostle Paul taught the Church to "...pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5: 17).
The born-again Christian is the most-privileged human being in the universe. Why? The Maker of heaven and earth, the Almighty God, is his Father. So, If you are a child of God through faith in Jesus Christ, then, the Maker and Owner of the universe is your Dad.
I am of the opinion that until people are convinced of the need to pray, they don't do it wholeheartedly, if at all they did pray. Please I want you to understand that with the words of both Jesus and the Apostle Paul quoted above, God is not requiring you to always be saying something to Him in prayer all throughout the day and night. No! But He does want you to pray to Him about your daily needs which He is more than willing to supply (Phillipians 4: 19).
There are several basic reasons why each one of us need to pray:
1. We pray to have and maintain fellowship with God, our Father (1 John 1: 3; 2 Corinthians 13: 14). As we spend time having daily fellowship with Him thru praise and worship or even spend time talking with Him daily, our spirits will grow up to know Him, recognize His presence and His voice. Then our spirits will be renewed daily.
2. We are to pray because we have issues to deal with in our lives, marriages, families, businesses and work - that as we pray about them, God proffers needed solutions to all those issues. It could be anything.
3. We are to pray because we are encumbered daily with needs and the things we would like to have which God can and will provide when we pray to Him according to His Word and promises (2 Peter 1: 3-4).
4. We are to pray because there are things we need to do, that with the help of God, we will succeed.
5. We are to pray because we are in a spiritual warfare here on earth and the only way we can overcome is through the channel of prayer to the Almighty God (Ephesians 6: 10-18).
6. We are to pray because we need God's guidance in every decision of our lives.
7. We need to pray because we need His protection in all areas of our lives.
8. We need to pray in order to overcome sicknesses and diseases.
9. We are to pray because it is only when we pray that we can show God we are depending on Him and are trusting Him with the affairs of our lives. [I will continue this message in my next posting, by the grace of God].
By Revd 'Remi Tejumola
Dear friend, it's with great pleasure that I come to you today. I came with a message that I believe will revolutionize your life and those of others, especially if you will pay close attention to it. I am very convinced that you are one of those people who have learnt that as an individual Christian you should learn how to pray, have a prayer life, and in fact you remember that Jesus taught a parable to the intent that men should always pray and not FAINT (Luke 18: 1). Also, the Apostle Paul taught the Church to "...pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5: 17).
The born-again Christian is the most-privileged human being in the universe. Why? The Maker of heaven and earth, the Almighty God, is his Father. So, If you are a child of God through faith in Jesus Christ, then, the Maker and Owner of the universe is your Dad.
I am of the opinion that until people are convinced of the need to pray, they don't do it wholeheartedly, if at all they did pray. Please I want you to understand that with the words of both Jesus and the Apostle Paul quoted above, God is not requiring you to always be saying something to Him in prayer all throughout the day and night. No! But He does want you to pray to Him about your daily needs which He is more than willing to supply (Phillipians 4: 19).
There are several basic reasons why each one of us need to pray:
1. We pray to have and maintain fellowship with God, our Father (1 John 1: 3; 2 Corinthians 13: 14). As we spend time having daily fellowship with Him thru praise and worship or even spend time talking with Him daily, our spirits will grow up to know Him, recognize His presence and His voice. Then our spirits will be renewed daily.
2. We are to pray because we have issues to deal with in our lives, marriages, families, businesses and work - that as we pray about them, God proffers needed solutions to all those issues. It could be anything.
3. We are to pray because we are encumbered daily with needs and the things we would like to have which God can and will provide when we pray to Him according to His Word and promises (2 Peter 1: 3-4).
4. We are to pray because there are things we need to do, that with the help of God, we will succeed.
5. We are to pray because we are in a spiritual warfare here on earth and the only way we can overcome is through the channel of prayer to the Almighty God (Ephesians 6: 10-18).
6. We are to pray because we need God's guidance in every decision of our lives.
7. We need to pray because we need His protection in all areas of our lives.
8. We need to pray in order to overcome sicknesses and diseases.
9. We are to pray because it is only when we pray that we can show God we are depending on Him and are trusting Him with the affairs of our lives. [I will continue this message in my next posting, by the grace of God].