By Revd 'Remi Tejumola
Blessed day to you. The date for the Abuja Holy Ghost Invasion programme has changed to 26th-28th June this same week. The address and times remain the same. If you can make it, you will not regret it. See you there.
Right now I have a teaching to present to you here. I feel it is important today of all days for me to do this. Knowing the workings of the Holy Ghost in my life and ministry, I am convinced that someone out there needs this right now. I feel it is a real privilege for me to be used in doing this. So, here it is:
God gave the Holy Ghost to every born-again Christian at the point of the new birth experience (John 1: 12; 3: 3). Ever since, He has been living with that believer no matter his/her physical age and development. But you should understand that perfection of life is not attained just because the Holy Ghost is in a child of God. Remember, people have said that 'If the Holy Ghost is really in someone, he will not do and say such and such things or the other'. The truth is that although the Holy Ghost lives in the believer, God never tampers with his freewill to do whatever he wants. This is why God will hold the believer responsible for all his/her actions.
The Holy Ghost is always with every child of God 24/7. So, wherever a child of God is, and wherever he goes, that is where you will find God, the Holy Ghost - all the time, regardless of how he/she feels about him/herself. You need to know and understand this.
Having the Holy Ghost with you right now is like having the God of heaven and earth right there with you. I don't know of any experince in life that could be this great and special. Yet, it is the truth about every child of God on the face of the earth. If you are a child of God, the Holy Ghost is with you now!
You can be friends with Him, you can fellowship with Him. You can talk with and relate with Him. You can depend on, and trust Him as you would a true friend, and in fact, your best Friend.
This is the privilege of all born-again Christians (John 14: 16-17). As a child of God, you have someone in your life whom the rest of the world (other people on earth) can have access to only after they must have given their lives over to Jesus, the Son of God.
John 14: 16-17
15 ¶ If ye love me, keep my commandments.
16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
to be continued ...
Blessed day to you. The date for the Abuja Holy Ghost Invasion programme has changed to 26th-28th June this same week. The address and times remain the same. If you can make it, you will not regret it. See you there.
Right now I have a teaching to present to you here. I feel it is important today of all days for me to do this. Knowing the workings of the Holy Ghost in my life and ministry, I am convinced that someone out there needs this right now. I feel it is a real privilege for me to be used in doing this. So, here it is:
God gave the Holy Ghost to every born-again Christian at the point of the new birth experience (John 1: 12; 3: 3). Ever since, He has been living with that believer no matter his/her physical age and development. But you should understand that perfection of life is not attained just because the Holy Ghost is in a child of God. Remember, people have said that 'If the Holy Ghost is really in someone, he will not do and say such and such things or the other'. The truth is that although the Holy Ghost lives in the believer, God never tampers with his freewill to do whatever he wants. This is why God will hold the believer responsible for all his/her actions.
The Holy Ghost is always with every child of God 24/7. So, wherever a child of God is, and wherever he goes, that is where you will find God, the Holy Ghost - all the time, regardless of how he/she feels about him/herself. You need to know and understand this.
Having the Holy Ghost with you right now is like having the God of heaven and earth right there with you. I don't know of any experince in life that could be this great and special. Yet, it is the truth about every child of God on the face of the earth. If you are a child of God, the Holy Ghost is with you now!
You can be friends with Him, you can fellowship with Him. You can talk with and relate with Him. You can depend on, and trust Him as you would a true friend, and in fact, your best Friend.
This is the privilege of all born-again Christians (John 14: 16-17). As a child of God, you have someone in your life whom the rest of the world (other people on earth) can have access to only after they must have given their lives over to Jesus, the Son of God.
John 14: 16-17
15 ¶ If ye love me, keep my commandments.
16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
to be continued ...