". . . faith without works is dead" (James 2:20).
For any faith adventurer, the above truth must always be remembered. For faith to be what it is, there must be a corresponding act. Faith in your heart without a corresponding physical action and confession of faith, there would be no positive result. It doesn't really matter how bad you wanted it. God wants you to trust Him to come through for you. He has never disappointed anyone. That's a great track record.
When you prayed for what you desire to have, Jesus says, ". . . believe that you recieve them, and you SHALL HAVE THEM. Believing that you recieve them comes before physical HAVING THEM.
When you prayed the prayer of faith, it means that you believe you recieved what you asked for WHEN YOU PRAYED.
You prayed to be healed and you believe that you're healed before the actual healing took place. Take note of this: IT IS WHEN YOU TAKE A STAND LIKE THIS THAT WILL ENSURE THAT IT MANIFEST PHYSICALLY IN YOUR BODY. This is how the principle of faith works in every area and realm of life.
If Peter had waited to see an invisible bridge to appear on the water he would never have walked on the water, even with Jesus present there. You really need to seek to understand this. All that God wants you to do when YOU pray for a desired thing is for you to believe you recieved it when YOU PRAYED for IT. That's all. See you at next posting. God bless.