Shalom! Great day to you. Hope you've been good in every sense of the word.
Walking with God is not so much above what I've been talking about all these time I've been talking about the Believers' Authority. There are just a few more things that'll complete the picture, such as: hearing from God and following His instruction per time, one day at a time, doing His will.
I bought a glass bottle of Olive Oil a number of years ago. On my way home the neck of the bottle got broken. So I bought a plastic bottle to transfer it into. As I began to pour the oil into the new bottle, a bit of the oil spilled on to my finger and the power of God flowed from there all over me. Suddenly I strongly felt like going to see an elderly man of God with the oil.
When I got to his house, he exclaimed, 'You're the son of your Father!' I told him that I was led to come and pray with him. He said he was seriously thinking about me when I showed up.
I asked him to stand up, anointed him with the oil and the power of God came into strong manifestation!
Then I prayed and made some decrees over him. Few weeks later, he told me how discouraged he had been untill I showed up that day. He was at the verge of packing his bags and leaving the ministry due to financial pressures and other issues that cropped up on him. But as soon as I did those things to him, all discouragements left him, and from that day people would just come to give him money. He was divinely provided for. What a privilege I enjoyed that day. Glory be to God for ever!
Those who walked with God had fellowship with Him, recieved instructions from Him and carried them out. That's basic, okay? Go and do likewise. God bless.