"And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof" (Genesis 2:19).
Did you see that? Or like Chief Zebrudaya of the Masquarade fame would say, 'Are you see what I am saw?' There was a depth of intimacy and trust that existed between God and Adam to the point that God brought the newly created animals to him to name. Adam gave all the animals and every other living creatures their names. Isn't this wonderful! It wasn't God Who gave all living creatures their names. He left that job to Adam.
The next time you see a dog, cockroach, an eagle, fish, a cat, an elephant or any other creature at all, remember that it was a man like you that gave that creature its name.
This is the kind of intimacy God desires to have with us His dear children. He is yearning to be so close to the point of mutual trust and fellowship. The Maker of heaven and earth, Owner of the Universe, your Father and close Friend.
When God met out His judgements upon Egypt, He used Moses to do it. At the words of Moses things happened - there were sparks of God's power flying from Moses.
God had a discussion with Abraham about Sodom and Gomorha before He sent His angels to destroy those cities. God knew that Abraham would intercede for them and He was prepared to be merciful, but the people were unrepentant, so God kicked their butts - destroyed them.
I learnt from the Word of God that God hates it whenever He had to judge. O how He hates it. But He loves it when WE his people live in such a way that all He wants to do is to bless US and give US all the good things WE DESIRE.
He is our loving Father and gracious God.
Till next posting, God bless YOU.