Shalom! It was a very amazing thing for me when I realised the different ways God went about creation on earth here. Man was not made out of nothingness. God could have done it that way, but He chose another method. He made man using the dust of the earth to do it:
Genesis 2: 7
7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Really if you call a man or woman, Dusty, it won't be far-fetched at all in the light of the scriptures. We were made from the dust of the earth.
God's creative ability surpasses all we can fathom or imagine. We need to realise that our God can do anything and we have proof of this in the Bible accounts from Genesis through to Revelation.
One time in the 90s, I was the guest minister of the St. Marks Anglican Church, at their open air crusade. A boy who had previously mistakenly shot his own hand with his father's gun, had the muscles and other important tissues used for movement of his hand and fingers severed. He was treated at the hospital with no good result.
He came out to be prayed for. Whereas he couldn't move his fingers before, after receiving prayer, he began to move his fingers. God had healed him. Jolly great! Glory be to God!
God can do anything for you - anything. And it's not any big deal for Him. The Apostle Paul said He would do anything for you, since He didn't spare Jesus when He wanted us saved.
Today, I'm starting a 3day Holy Ghost Invasion programme with The Corporate Care Church, behind Bishop Phillips Grammar School at Iwo Road, Ibadan. The time is 5.30pm daily. See you there if you can make it. God bless.