"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people" (Proverbs 14:34).
Shalom! We mark our 49th year of Independence today in Nigeria.
We have passed through so many murky waters in all these years and we have God to thank for the continual existence of our Nation Nigeria.
We are of age now and not a baby nation. I pray the real wisdom that goes with age will now come to play in our nation in the name of Jesus; that the righteousness of God will now be entrenched in our sit of power at every level; that we will now begin to see real progress and development in every area of human endeavor of Nigeria; that all our leaders will use their offices well to take us to a safe haven where peace is known and God is glorified in our country NIGERIA.
God bless the Federal Republic of NIGERIA! Amen.