Shalom! The forth reason why we need to pray is that if we do not pray God cannot do anything on earth because He has given man dominion over the earth.
Genesis 1: 26
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
The authority to rule over the earth has been delegated to man. If God wants to do anything here, He will have to go through His man. Also when things go wrong on the earth, if man required God to intervene, he will have to invite Him into the earth through prayer.
But right after God gave man dominion, man sold out to satan and he became the god of this world using man's God-given authority - although not god over the Christian.
He has been defeated by Jesus. But he now rules over the children of disobedience. If we want God to do anything here on earth, we have to pray - because He has given us authority. He's restored it back to us.
Our authority covers everything on earth. Look at Genesis 1: 26 again to understand what you have, and then check out Luke 10: 19. Our authority covers everything on earth, now it includes the devil. We have authority over him and all his works. Glory be to Jesus!
Originally, [that is, from the time in Genesis] our dominion covered five areas:
1. The fish of the sea,
2. The fowl of the air,
3. The cattle,
4. All the earth,
5. Everything that creepeth on earth (this now also includes Satan and his evil spirits).
Till next posting, God bless.