Shalom! Jesus came to this world on assignment. Just before the time when He was born, a prophetic Word of His assignment came forth:
Luke 1: 74-75
74 That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear,
75 In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life.
From God's perspective, mankind is the reason for the Christmas season. From our perspective Jesus is the season's reason, but not necessarily for us to be partying around in celebration, but for us to repent from our sins and turn back to God in order to serve Him without fear for the rest of our days.
Through the gift of His Son, God has done all that is necessary to give us real life, and now it's up to us to discover how to bring those things into reality in our lives. (What are you doing about this?)
Buying clothes, killing birds, animals and cooking rice and having a party is not a proper way to mark either Christmas or Easter. These are distractions from the real things.
These two seasons should be the time when Christians (and churches) intensify evangelistic efforts to reach the world with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
While celebrating these seasons, remember why Jesus came and die. REMEMBER!
There are needy people around us that Jesus has made provisions for. Let's take these provisions to them in the power of the Holy Spirit. Let's keep the focus on what is of utmost importance. Preach the Gospel.
Till next posting, God bless.