Shalom! This new Year 2010 I want us to take a closer look at this most popular verse in the Bible among Christians which speaks about the most popular person in history:
John 3: 16
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
All of us knew this verse from the time when we were young. We can just reel it out of our memory.
Let's look at the word 'gave' in this verse. It means the Son of God was given as a gift for mankind in order to provide us salvation.
But what motivated God to do this? We then look at an important word that came before 'gave' and it's the word 'loved'. What motivated God to give His Son was His love for us. Why is His love emphasised? Man had sinned against God and we were at an undeserving position where all we could look for was the judgement of God because of our sins, but for His love He chose to grant us redemption through His Son, Jesus.
The Son who was given to us is like a mansion that is filled with everything we would ever need. When we moved in into Him, we need not bring anything in - just ourselves.
When we opened the door of that house, we entered straight into the bathroom where we were washed with the precious blood of Jesus, and a robe of righteousness is given to us to wear in place of our filthy clothes of sin.
In the house, since we've gone through the door, we have access to everything in that house because Jehovah-Jireh has provided everything there for us!
Till next posting think about this, and God bless.