Shalom! Jesus says about Christians, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another" (John 13:35). Love marks and distinguishes you as one who belongs to Jesus.
In John 13 Jesus emphasised love among brethren, children of the kingdom. Paul, the Apostle, sums up Jesus words this way, "As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto ALL men, ESPECIALLY UNTO THEM who are of the HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH" (Galatians 6:10). You're supposed to be kind and nice to especially the people of the kingdom as well as to extend it to those who are yet to embrace the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ unto salvation.
Love identifies you all the time. We are the people that have in our possession the divine kind of love which was shed in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. Love is our identity card by which we are supposed to be known.
God has placed within us the potential to love like He does, forgive like He does, do good like He does.
That muslim or atheistic man or idol worshipper who lives in the same community with you is your neighbour. That family from another tribe and language is your neighbour. In fact, every human being that you come across in your pathway in life is your neighbour. That beggar, those people at the market-place are your neighbours, those prostitutes and vagabonds in your neighbourhood are your neighbours.
Let me now bring it right home. Your spouse, children, parents, brothers, sisters and relations - including your in-laws are your neighbours. (No escape!) You're to love all.
Till next posting, God bless