By Revd 'Remi Tejumola
Shalom! I have felt for a couple of days to share this with you and anyone else that may be reading this: I am an apostolic teacher. My calling is to teach the Word of God around the World in the power of the Holy Ghost with mighty miracles, signs and wonders. Several years ago, about 20years or thereabout, I asked the Lord, 'Upon which scripture am I supposed to base my ministry on?', immediately this Bible passage came to me, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen". The emphasis were on these words:
1. Go ye therefore, and TEACH ALL NATIONS ...
This means that I am to teach on only the topic He wants me to teach (not my own preference or people's preference). I am only to teach on the subject of HIS CHOICE in my ministry.
Following up on these, He told me during a Power Service in 1996, "Build Me an Army that KNOWS the Spirit, WALKS in the Spirit, and FLOWS in the Spirit". I have endeavoured to obey Him since then.
Now I have met with ministers who would invite me to their churches and ministries, even in some Bible Schools, who wanted me to teach on other topics. A couple of times I did so. But later on, I found out that God was not with me because my assignment is already spelt out. Then I began to turn down invitations of ministers who wanted me to teach on topics that has no relation to my assignment. I learnt that you will answer to God only for the assignments He has given you.
When teaching on the Holy Spirit, many times, people are not really listening (and their pastors too) even though they are smiling at me as if they heard me. Only for them to close the meeting saying things that are completely opposite of what was clearly taught from the Word of God about the Holy Ghost. A lot of church leaders and ministers are really ignorant when it comes to the Holy Spirit, even doctrinally! The most many ministers know about the Holy Ghost is the Holy Ghost baptism, and even that, they haven't carried out much study on the subject.
A fellowship leader invited me to minister the Holy Ghost baptism to his people. Then,when he was introducing me he said, 'Get ready, God is going to deliver you and give you miracles as this man minister to you today'. When I began to teach I asked for those who were there for the Holy Ghost baptism and there was none! They have all come to get miracles. So I changed my focus and taught them how to get other believers baptised in the Holy Ghost. It is always good to know what you want when you are dealing with God. God bless.
Shalom! I have felt for a couple of days to share this with you and anyone else that may be reading this: I am an apostolic teacher. My calling is to teach the Word of God around the World in the power of the Holy Ghost with mighty miracles, signs and wonders. Several years ago, about 20years or thereabout, I asked the Lord, 'Upon which scripture am I supposed to base my ministry on?', immediately this Bible passage came to me, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen". The emphasis were on these words:
1. Go ye therefore, and TEACH ALL NATIONS ...
This means that I am to teach on only the topic He wants me to teach (not my own preference or people's preference). I am only to teach on the subject of HIS CHOICE in my ministry.
Following up on these, He told me during a Power Service in 1996, "Build Me an Army that KNOWS the Spirit, WALKS in the Spirit, and FLOWS in the Spirit". I have endeavoured to obey Him since then.
Now I have met with ministers who would invite me to their churches and ministries, even in some Bible Schools, who wanted me to teach on other topics. A couple of times I did so. But later on, I found out that God was not with me because my assignment is already spelt out. Then I began to turn down invitations of ministers who wanted me to teach on topics that has no relation to my assignment. I learnt that you will answer to God only for the assignments He has given you.
When teaching on the Holy Spirit, many times, people are not really listening (and their pastors too) even though they are smiling at me as if they heard me. Only for them to close the meeting saying things that are completely opposite of what was clearly taught from the Word of God about the Holy Ghost. A lot of church leaders and ministers are really ignorant when it comes to the Holy Spirit, even doctrinally! The most many ministers know about the Holy Ghost is the Holy Ghost baptism, and even that, they haven't carried out much study on the subject.
A fellowship leader invited me to minister the Holy Ghost baptism to his people. Then,when he was introducing me he said, 'Get ready, God is going to deliver you and give you miracles as this man minister to you today'. When I began to teach I asked for those who were there for the Holy Ghost baptism and there was none! They have all come to get miracles. So I changed my focus and taught them how to get other believers baptised in the Holy Ghost. It is always good to know what you want when you are dealing with God. God bless.