Shalom! There are, today, three important words about faith that I want us to look at. They are the words, impossible, must and diligent. The Bible says, "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him" (Hebrews 11:6).
When the Word of God says this, it means there's no optional way to please Him. The word 'impossible' means 'not able to occur, exist or be done'.
The word 'diligent' means 'careful and conscientious'. This means you can't afford to be rash when you come to God. God rewards those that approach Him with diligence.
The word 'must' means 'expressing obligation, insistence, or certainty'. This shows me that there is a strength of character which is required to approach God by faith. Faith is not a weak thing. On the contrary, it is radical.
A serious seeker of God will go through a thorough study of His Word so that he'll be fully persuaded in seeking God for any reason, and there's no short-cut about this.
One must realise from God's Word here that faith is a must. The Bible says that the seeker must believe that God is, and He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Something will come out of seeking God - the person will be rewarded. It then depends on the reason why you're seeking Him.
If you seek Him in faith for healing, you should know that you will be healed; if it's for forgiveness of sins, you will get it, so on and so forth - for whatever.
We'll continue in the next posting. God bless.