Shalom! You do yourself a great disservice when you don't spend time in God's Word. You will not understand and find out how to utilise it in your life situations. Take for instance this Word:
Galatians 3: 13
13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law ...
I learnt early as a child of God that we've been redeemed from the curse of the Law, including the once placed upon both man and woman. I learnt from some Christian sisters who got hold of this truth that the moment they understood this Word, and rebuked their menstrual pain, it left them permanently. When time came and they were ready to deliver their babies, there was no pain! The nurses couldn't believe it! But it was true. (read the Genesis 3 account plus the truth in Galatians 3: 13).
I shared this with a sister in 1991 and that was the last time she suffered menstrual pain. If it works for the ladies, BROTHERS, it's time we grab our own! Little effort at work should result in great harvest! Dare to believe this!
Galatians 3: 13 is telling us men, 'You don't have to sweat as much as you have to succeed!'
If you're reading this with disbelief, that's your lot. If women don't have to suffer because of Christ's provision, then I'm going to really prosper as a man because God's redemption is for us all.
The Bible records, "Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children" (Genesis 3: 16).
This curse and the one on man were reversed by Christ Jesus.
Jesus bore the curse for us that we might be freed from it and recieve instead the blessing of Abraham.
I will treat this more in the next posting. Till then, stay blessed.