Shalom! The Bible teaches parents, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).
This indicates that, first, parents must prayerfully find out the will of God for their children's individual life, because how can one show a way that one is oblivious of. I do know that some parents are busy getting their children trained the way THEY (Parents) WANT THEM TO GO.
The way they ought to go many times has to do with their God-given giftings, talents and destinies. Parents ought to have these in mind.
The most important time to find out God's plan for their lives is when they are still children and unable to make decisions for themselves.
Sometimes, finding out the way THEY ought to go requires close observation of those children. When they are still little bitty children you will find out the kind of things they love doing.
When you get them toys you will discover which kind of toys they have preference for, and how those toys are treated.
Do not wait untill you think they are old enough for the training. Begin now when they are still very young. This is God's recommended way of doing it. God's way is the best. He guaranteed that when he's old, he will not depart from the way.
Some people brought up their children to be terrorists. They began their children's training even before they started speaking. Once they began speaking they were sent to those schools to be deeply taught about their religion, and most of them grew up strong in it.
If you want godly and successful children, train them to be those things when they are still very young. Remember that the training continues untill they get out from under you to be on their own. It's a life thing and it's the duty of both parents.
Till next posting, God bless.