Shalom! God gave to us a kind of authority that enables us to bind and to loose. Jesus puts it this way, "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven" (Matthew 16:19). The word 'bind' here also mean 'forbid', and 'loose' also mean permit' or 'allow'. Whatever we decide is what God will back-up with us.
Using Jesus' words, He said, "Whatsoever YOU shall bind ..." and "Whatsoever YOU shall loose ...". Interpretation: Anything that YOU restrict on earth shall be restricted in heaven. Anything YOU place no restriction on earth, will be allowed by heaven to remain free. Most times when we talk about Binding and Loosening, Christians usually think about it in terms of devils and demons. But Jesus said, 'Whatsoever'. Anything.
Anything you allow in your life will not be dealt with by God. But if you refuse anything in your life, God will join you to get rid of it.
Heaven will accept whatever you accept, and reject with you whatever you reject in your life.
Sometimes ago I found out that I had escema on my body. I've battled with this skin condition for years. It would go and then come back untill I made up my mind to deal with it last year and be rid of it. I rejected it everyway possible: by faith, more cleanliness and drugs. It was an all-out war and I won! Away with it! Glory be to God!
Till next posting, God bless.