Shalom! During the raining season of 1990, I was taking the Bible Study Fellowship of the Faith Clinic Nigeria on a series of teachings on Ministry Gifts, every Thursday evening. When the rain started, it came on the zinc roof, disturbing us with a great din. This continued for several weeks.
One Thursday, I got fed up with the whole thing. There was no P. A. System, so I was talking at the top of my voice to the people. On that day, I determined that it was time to deal with the rain. I taught them how to pray the prayer of faith to deal with the rain based on Mark 11: 24.
So we prayed that from the next Thursday till we move to our permanent site the rain should not disturb us again, and we believed that our prayer was answered.
From the next Thursday the rain did not disturb us till we move to our own land. The rain would either start and stop before the Bible Study began or start after we shared the benediction. It worked!
This is exactly the kind of thing Jesus talked about when He spoke to Peter in Matthew 16, "... whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven" (Matthew 16:19).
Remember that whatsoever means anything and it applies to both spiritual and physical things. Don't you forget it.
Till next posting, God bless.