Shalom! We are not animals nor are we descendants of monkeys. God made us in His very own image. After creating man, He gave him dominion over all of the earth and every living creature on it. We are not higher animals. We are not animals in any way, form or fashion at all. We are humans.
A school of thought believe that we evolved from monkeys. I have wondered since if ever any other monkey had changed to a man since that theory was concocted or compounded. You will hear a scientist saying that a particular something-taurus existed 5million years ago. But life on earth have not even being or existed for up to seven thousand years yet.
The existence of man on earth, the existence of animals, birds, fish and all vegetation on earth is not up to seven thousand years yet. There was no form of life on earth before all these things were created. Check your Bible very well. The earth that existed before the Genesis' biblical account of creation had no light, no stars, no moon, no sun, no land, and no vegetation whatsoever untill just over six thousand years ago. [Think about this.]
According to the Bible, there were human beings on earth when the devil came into this world. The Bible says that the Devil and all his angels were sent out of heaven, and they have come to the earth with vengeance, knowing that he has a short time (Revelations 12: 12).
Till next posting, God bless.