Shalom! When the subject of faith is studied in-dept it is then that you will understand that to have faith working in you in certain areas of your life will require more than hearing the Word of God (Romans 10: 17). You will have to receive the revelation knowledge of His Word in the particular area of your interest.
The Bible tells us, "Now faith is the substance of THINGS hoped for, the EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN" (Hebrews 11: 1). There are certain things existing around that the only way we can know about them if God did not show us by revelation is made known in the Word. The Word becomes the evidence. The Bible tells us that we have angels with us all the time. Since we have this Word it becomes our faith that serves as evidence.
When you desire something from God in prayer according to Mark 11: 24, believing that we recieve when we pray becomes the evidence.
Let me share a divine secret with you. Sometimes the Holy Spirit has led me to invite Him to do some things in the service where I minister. As soon as I respond positively He carries those things out. Some other times I would be the one who ask Him to do some things, and as soon as I believe He has done those things He moves into action.
Faith honours God and God honours faith everytime.
I will continue in the next posting.
Till then, God bless.