Shalom! In a recent Benny Hinn's This Is Your Day broadcast, he and is personal physician said that in a survey carried out on all religious faiths in the world, it was discovered that people in the Christian faith are the sickest due to improper diet and mal-nourishment. We eat in very unhealthy ways so we get sick. This means that we shouldn't always blame it on the devil.
A lot of religion got themselves involved with eating leaves and fruits and other herbal products. They surround themselves with nourishing stuffs, so they are usually living in such a healthy state. Some of them said that they are vegetarians, who will not eat any form of meat.
Now I am not asking us to become vegetarians, but rather I want us to borrow a leaf from them and balance up our diet for healthy living.
Eat fruits and vegetables much more than those foods that has gone through processing. Eat real orange other than the packaged fruit juice. Don't always go for meatpie and other such stuffs. Go for real healthy foods.
Also do not allow yourself to become so pre-occupied that you don't create time to rest. Eating appropriately well and resting promotes health and also will boost your immune system. It will be difficult for sickness to attach itself to you.
Health is wealth.