Shalom! There is a clear difference between hope and faith. Hope cannot achieve anything without faith, and faith has nothing to recieve without hope.
Hope expects and faith recieves. One of hope's definition is 'eager yearning'. Hope dreams and will keep you smiling, but achieve nothing more than that. Hope is a picture of the things you want to have.
Faith, on the other hand, does not expect anything. It is a reciever. Faith takes the unrealities of hope and brings them into the realm of reality. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11: 1).
It's just as if hope has been there waiting and achieving nothing untill faith arrived and grabbed hope and bring into reality what hope dreamt about.
Now listen up, faith doesn't just come. Faith is produced through the knowledge of the Word of God that you've repeatedly heard (Romans 10: 17).
Many times you don't have to hear God's Word to have hope. But when you face situations which seems hopeless because of your ignorance of what God has said, when the Word of God comes, it will first inspire hope in you, and if you KEEP HEARING IT, it will produce faith in you, and then you will recieve your desired provision from God, your heavenly Father.
I want to say to you today: My friend, keep your hopes up! Add faith to them and recieve your desired miracles!
Till next posting, keep the joy, and God bless you.