The will of God for the new believer and the existing one is, "... be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" (Romans 12:2). The responsibility for the renewal of your mind is first and foremost yours as a believer. Untill you take it up God cannot help you.
To help you understand how important this is, let me share one of many testimonies with you:
There are some people who are pure illiterates that God gave the ability to read and understand the Bible as soon as they got born-again, and that is the only book they've been able to read. It wasn't a matter of recieving a spiritual gift. They still need to read the Bible so as not to remain ignorant of God's Will for their lives just as you and I need to know His Will.
The thoughts I'm sharing with you now did not start a few days or months ago. It started over 20years ago. So don't discount this teaching.
I have a very strong opinion that if all of us Christians decides to really do the perfect will of God, we will raise a lot of dust as we scurry about to get to the right places in our lives. Some ministers of God will change their titles, locations and many other things about their lives. A lot of believers will move from one church to the one they are supposed to be, so on and so forth. Some will give up pastoring and move to the evangelistic ministry. Some will leave business and move into Christian ministry and vice-versa.
Till next posting, God bless.