"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread" (Matthew 6:10-11).
Question: Why would we need to pray that the will of God be done in earth as it's done in heaven?
Answer: Most people here are not concerned about the will of God at all. A lot of people, including many believers, are only interested in what they want. For this reason we are not seeing the blessings of God on our lives as much as God desires that we should have them.
Jesus also taught us to pray for daily provision of bread. If bread or food is readily and regularly available we would not need to pray for it. Also, God is willing to provide us with the things He's asked us to pray for.
One important truth is that if we don't ask for these things, we will have to do without them. But if we really need them, we'd better start praying for them.
Why do we need to seek God's face? To find and discover His will for our lives. You see, for an example, you can marry whoever you want, but if you really want His best for your life, you will have to seek His perfect will in this matter.
It is like precious stones. If you want the one of the greatest value and worth to you, you will have to dig for it with all carefulness. It is a lot more than a game of dice.
That's the way the issues of your life are. You have to carefully seek God's face in order to do His will.
Because a lot of brothers and sisters' are not in submission to Jesus they refuse to check if the leading the brother claimed to have recieved from God was true.
Be willing to accept and do the will of God Almighty. Till next posting. God bless.