The Bible says about Phillip, "Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them" (Acts 8:5).
The resultant effect of Phillip preaching Christ was that people's lives were affected and impacted by the power of God.
What is the essence of your message to God's people, dear man or woman of God? You may not be preaching about the person Jesus, but every topic you preach and teach should be from His heart.
Let's see it this way: when you preach or teach the Word the way God said it, and the way He meant it, you are preaching or teaching Christ. Anything else you do beside this is not preaching or teaching Christ, it is heretic.
Once you're not preaching Christ, people can't have faith in Him, and so He'll do nothing for them.
If your interpretation of a passage or verse of scripture is not what God actually said and meant, then it's wrong - no matter how profound it sounds. The Word of God must be divided rightly for it to accomplish the purpose of God (2 Timothy 2:15).
One day, as Jesus was preaching the Word in a synagogue, a demonized man manifested and got delivered as Jesus ministered to him (Mark 1:23-27). All kinds of great things are bound to happen wherever the Word is properly preached and taught. (I've proven it.)
God always confirms His Word with signs following. This is what God wants to do as often as possible, except at places where there's unbelief on the part of the hearers.
Whenever I teach what God said and meant about any subject, He confirms it.
Till next posting, God bless.