Again Jesus said, "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever you desire, when ye pray, believe ye recieve them, and ye shall have them" (Mark 11:24).
There has been a kind of teaching and preaching in a lot of churches, with many people loving it. It's called OPERATION P.U.S.H. meaning, Pray Untill Something Happen. It has never appealed to me. Some Bible translations added to the problem when they interpreted Matthew 7:7 as
saying, "Ask and keep on asking."
Jesus will never contradict Himself. The Word of God never contradicts itself. Rather you should compare scriptures with scriptures. Read here about what Jesus said about prayer, "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking" (Matthew 6:7). The length of your prayers does not determine the answer. If you're going to ask continually it's not going to be for the same thing. Each time you have a need or something that you desire to have, you have the right to go back to God each time to present your need to Him.
I want to introduce another one to you. It's called B.U.S.H. Believe Untill Something Happens.
When we pray and ask God to do or give us anything, Jesus said that we should BELIEVE that we recieve it, and we shall have it.
But for how long should we continue to believe? UNTILL SOMETHING HAPPENS. What will happen? What we believe God for will come into manifestation.
What Jesus expects and requires us to do is to stay in faith untill what we're believing for anifests. Your faith becomes operative only when you believe you recieve whatever you prayed for. God always respond to faith and ignores doubt and unbelief.
Operation BUSH becomes active the moment you pray. Once you pray, believe you have recieved what you wanted from God untill it happens. This is faith. Faith is declaring that what you believe God for has happened, even when you're yet to see it.
Till next posting, God bless.